How do you add this information?
We provide your personal details (name, address, sex, date of birth, NHS or National Insurance Number (NI) – if held) to the NHS or NHS agencies, DWP and HMRC (or to a trusted third party employed by the government department or agency). No other information collected in the survey or held by CLS is passed to these departments, agencies, or to any trusted third party.
These departments and agencies are trusted to keep your personal details secure (and are likely to already have your personal details) and have robust systems to manage this.
The NHS, DWP and HMRC will use your personal details to identify the correct records.
The NHS, DWP and HMRC will de-identify your records and send them to CLS or to the data store where your survey responses are held. CLS will be the data controller of this information.
The NHS, DWP and HMRC will not use your personal details for any other purpose.
CLS or the data store will link your records to your de-identified study responses using an anonymous ID. No information that identifies you will be provided to the data store.
The linked survey and administrative information will be made available to researchers under restricted access conditions. The data store staff and research users cannot identify you from the data.