Age 11 Survey

The Age 11 Survey took place in 1969 and aimed to continue measuring your educational, social and physical development. Over 15,000 of you took part.  Over 200 new participants, who had been born overseas, joined the study after moving to Great Britain.

What we asked

Health visitors visited your homes and conducted interviews with your parents (mothers in most cases). Information was collected about your family, who you lived with, the homes you lived in, the type of work your parents were doing, your health, your parents’ health, your schooling and your parent’s aspirations for your future.

You were each asked to write an essay about the lives you imagined yourselves leading at 25. You also competed a number of tests including a reading test and a maths test and a paper questionnaire about your leisure activities and attitudes to school.

Information was collected from the school that you attended about type of school, class sizes, approaches to discipline, your attendance, behaviour and ability.

The Age 11 Survey also included a medical examination where your height, weight, vision, vision, hearing, speech, and motor co-ordination were measured and any other medical issues noted.

When you were 11…


  • Around 9 in 10 had had measles. In the 1970 cohort, only half had measles by this age because vaccination had become much more common.
  • 9 in 10 had visited the dentist in the year before we spoke to you.
  • Just under half of you ‘often’ visited a public library.
  • Two thirds of you said that you met your friends outside of school on most days.
  • Just over 4 in 10 of you said you read books on most days (not for school or homework).