How often will the survey take place?
We’re interested in following your life story. We want to see how your life changes over time, and what your life is like at certain ages. In the past there were some long gaps between surveys, but the funding of NCDS is now more secure and since you were 42 we have carried out surveys every four to five years. The last survey took place in 2013-14 when you were 55. The current survey, the Life in Your Early 60s Survey, originally started in January 2020 but we only managed to interview a small number of you before we had to stop because of the pandemic. We are relaunching the survey in spring 2021 and it is expected to run until December 2022. After that it is currently planned that surveys will take place every five years.
The more information that the study gathers about your life over time, the more valuable it becomes. This is why we so value your unique and continued contribution.
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part in each survey. We will send you information before each survey to let you know what it will involve. If you move between surveys, it would be very helpful if you could contact us with your new address.